Tarragon software.
About Tarragon
We always Strive For The Best.
We at Tarragon believe software applications should be easy to implement and used. Above all it should be able to follow almost instantly the changes in which we do business. Also it should connect easily with other bits of software that you employ. Integration to us does not mean having everything out of the same box or from one vendor. But build on to what you have already got and functions to your satisfaction. The products we offer you reflect that vision.
Tarragon has an exceptional team of highly experienced business and industry professionals that provide pre and after sales business consulting, implementation and programming services as well as project management. Our bi-lingual help desk (English/German) offers telephone support both during and outside business hours.
What We Do For You
- Adapt one of our applications to your specific needs or build an application from scratch for you.
- Provide on line consultancy to answer questions when you are using jACOB to build and test your own application.
- Evaluate and tune application that you have built and suggest improvements wherever required.
- Provide project management for one or all of the above.
jACOB Web Application Development
The quickest way to develop powerful web applications
Nobody wants to buy an expensive tool chain and train 5 persons or more to work it, in order to create web applications. Nobody likes to worry about scalability and robustness! That’s why jACOB is a winner.
jACOB does away with these problems. It provides the developer community with an easy to use, highly reliable design framework to create any web based business application and integrate it with existing systems. However, it also forms an integral part of our business applications and as such you can use it to adapt these applications to fit your own unique business environment.
Simple to implement. Easy to use.
A good time registration system scores by what information you can get out of it. By making use of the jACOB rapid development tool we were able to go the extra mile. The ability to search on any field or combination of fields, configurable standard reports and an easy to use point and click ad hoc report writer, allow you to easily retrieve all the information you need.
VisualEnterprise acceptance management provides powerful tools for the performance of integrated quality- and inspection processes.
The expense for communication, coordination and control activities is reduced by largely automated processing and provision of data.
Caretaker is a facility management tool with integrated helpdesk, inbound callcenter, comprehensive rooting based on time, place and contracts and integration with SAP.
It has easy customisable escalation management and is based on jACOB Web Application Development. That means it is easy to change, robust and comes with dozens of extra features like adhoc reporting, query by example or excel integration.